Friday, April 16, 2010

Solitary Confinement

I feel very differential about the topic of Solitary Confinement. Although it does do some good, sometimes it can cause more harm. I would still like to keep solitary confinement in the prison systems, but it would be more regulated.
I would draft a law regulating the use of solitary confinement. In my law, there would be a 6 week maximum time limit, that way no one would be in solitary confinement for a super long time because if they are in there for a really long time then they might go crazy and become phsychaotic. Also, when they are in solitary confinment, they should have at least an hour outside in the sun, not in the halls. They should also be able to interact with other prisoners for an hour os so too. Also, the rooms should be bigger and have at leat one window and maybe some fun things so that the prisoners have something to look at. And if you let them paint their cell then it will make the room look brighter and will make them hapier and not as mean and crazy.
I would restrict the prison officials discretion because they seem like they would lie a lot and really don't care about the prisoners in solitary confinements welfare or well being. The prison officials seem like they would just want the inmates to be out of their way so that they can just sit ther and watch the inmates. I would give a 6 week maximum time limit in solitary confinement because i had a hard time being quiet for a minute, so it must be horrible to be in a room by yourself for a really long tiime. Plus, it would make the inmates more happier.
I would probably not allow prisoners to go to court and challenge their solitary confinment because it is only 6 weeks or less, so they should just act good. I would let them challenge this if it seemed unjust or if they are not menatlly ready to handle isolation. If they were not menatally or emotionally ready to handle solitary coonfinement then i wouldn't let them do it because they can go crazy and i wouldn't want that because i would feel bad. Or if the prison officials were mean (but i would make sure that all the prison officials would be nice to the inmates). But my solitary confinement would only be 6 weeks at the most, along with inmate interaction time, outside in the sun time, a bigger room, and then they could customize and paint their room. So soiltary confinement wouldn't be so bad.


  1. i like the fact that you wouldnt let them be tried in court. I completelly agree because it is a punishment for acting out, not to see if you can get your way out of it. I also like how you said they they could have some fun things of even paint their rooms! that would be very interesting to see or even hear about :)

  2. i like the idea of having more freedom in prison becasue making the inmates space more home-y will allow them to be mroe stable and having interact would be good. also sunlight would probually be the best thing becasue of the benefits of the sun, they will be more happy and get vitimin c. games might be bad due to violent natured people. i might argue about the able to go to court to get out of a decreased confinement sentence becasue its staill a long period of time and i myself would want to be there as short amoutn of time as possible.

  3. Let them paint their cells? What do you expect them to paint? Rainbows and unicorns? Come on, I agree with most of what your saying, except the whole painting a cell thing.
