Thursday, March 4, 2010


I believe that the insane law can be a good law at times. I think that it is necessary to have this law because if someone really is insane then they have to plea it (like the Yates case). But a lot of people take advantage of the insanity plea because they want a lesser punishment. I think that doing that is messed up becasue you can't fake at being insane, so its just a waste of time faking it.
I believe that insanity should be considered in criminal cases because some people really are insane and don't know right from wrong. If you severely punish an insane person they will not understand why they are getting punished so harshly. So i think that a good punishment for an insane person is for them to be placed into a mental facility where they will be locked up and would not be able to leave the campus/mental facility.
I believe that a person is insane when they don't know the difference between roght and wrong. Like Andrea Yates, she was insane because she killed her 5 young kids because satan told her to. She thought that she was being a bad mother and that by killing her kids she was actually saving them. I think that Yates should be in a closed mental facility, not an open campus because she can potentially be a harm to society because if she killed her own kids, what would stop her from killing complete strangers. She loved her kids so killing them would be a lot harder and more emotionally painful then killing complete strangers. She deserves to be in a mental facility/psychiatric ward forever.


  1. I agree that she should be locked up in a mental facility..thats the only way that others will be safe and she can get better. It may take time before she gets better but at least she is being watched carefully. Also I think that too many people use the insaity plea to get out of harsh punishment like you said! In this case it actually worked because of her past!

  2. i agree that its inappropiate to plead insanity if you are truely not insane. i agree that she should be placed in a mental facility but i dont belive she will hurt socuety, as long as she takes her medication. what about the death penality, what do you belive for that?
