Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My thoughts on US crime

I think that a good way to reduce crime in the United States is to put up stronger borders around the United States. With stronger borders there will be less illegal aliens and less convicts and terrorists coming into the United States. But in class we also learned that Media, Genetics, and poverty also play a huge role in the causes of crime.
I think that stricter law enforcement will help reduce crime along with putting up stronger borders around the United States. With more law enforcement, criminals will get harsher consequences. By putting up borders around the United States illegal aliens and criminals will have a more difficult time getting into the United States, if they can get in at all. With media, i think that by making sure that parental advisories on movies and videogames are set, making sure that the people who are watching the mature movie or playing the violent game can handle it.
There are some limitations though. Of course, many criminals will slip through the cracks, and some will not get caught by law enforcement when they do something wrong or illegal. Also, even though putting up borders around the United States is a great idea and a good way to keep unwanted illegal aliens and criminals out of the United States, it will cost a lot of money that we can't afford to spend. There would be a lot of borders to put up, which would take a ton of time and money.